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How to Grow Healthy Kids
I have two children. One will eat anything I put in front of her. The other; not so much. We’ve tried rewards, punishments, bribes, and even lies (yes; I’m not proud of it, but it’s true). With such a picky eater, our family has become quite skilled and finding successful ways to get our kids to live healthy.

More than a Muffin Tin
Muffin tins are basically the perfect serving size. So this got me thinking; why can’t we use them for things other than muffins and have the perfect serving size of other things. It was a pivotal moment. So here are some other things we use muffin tins for in our house.

Teaching Kids Love at Valentine’s Day
As most siblings can relate, our children are best friends and worst enemies at the same time. They’ll play so nicely together and stick up for each other. They’ll also hit each other and scream at each other. Our goal is to limit the screaming and hitting during the week of Valentine’s Day. The best way to love someone more is to serve them. This is the method we plan to use this year.

Apple Chicken Breasts
This apple chicken is a fun change from a basic grilled chicken. I read a recipe similar to this in a “healthy” cookbook. I was shocked it was considered healthy with all the sugars and hydrogenated oils. I changed up some of the ingredients and left out the processed sugars and was very pleased with the results.

10 Healthy Ways to Satisfy Sugar Cravings
Iget sugar cravings. When I just can’t ignore them anymore, I turn to these quick fixes. I am not a nutrition or fitness expert. I don’t have a degree in human anatomy and I can’t even sing the song “Dem Bones.” But I am a busy mom in her 30’s who gets stressed, tired and just wants a Snickers every now and again. I feel that does make me an expert to some extent.

5 Healthy Lifestyle changes for 2015
Too often, people set lofty goals that can’t be sustained through the year. Don’t get me wrong, I love big goals, but it’s also important to make goals you know you can achieve. It’s also a good idea to build on goals. In that spirit, here are five easy, healthy lifestyle changes anyone can make.

Merry Christmas Neighbor!: 10 Neighbor Christmas Gifts
Since the dawn of man, neighbors have wished each other a “Merry Christmas!” with fruit cake, cookies and various forms of Chex mix. After years of throwing away stale cookies 3 days after Christmas, I decided to give my neighbors something different. Here are some ideas of what to give to neighbors that may be a refreshing change from the usual.

Six Guilt-Free Hot Chocolates
I love hot chocolate. But the idea of having creamy, sugary hot chocolate on a random afternoon fills me with guilt. Trying to be optimistic, I set out to find a hot chocolate I could have anytime without feeling guilty. Mission accomplished. Since then, I’ve come up with several variations to fit any mood or occasion.

Thanksgiving Place Cards
This year, my mom tasked the kids and I with making place cards for our family for Thanksgiving dinner. I wanted to do something the kids could help with that incorporated the purpose of Thanksgiving: gratitude! These turkey gratitude cards fit all requirements.